Safeguarding - Keeping Children Safe Online

At St John’s, we regularly update the children in school on how to spot irregular activity online and stay safe as a result of extensive understanding. We ensure the following is part of our curriculum offer:


  • The use of our ‘Switched On’ scheme for computing incorporates a programme of online safety learning for all year groups.
  • Regular conversations with children about online safety and their understanding of what this means (including recognition that children will use the internet to research homework and communicate with their peers).
  • Sharing tips and strategies for how to identify unusual behavior online and procedures for reporting this to a trusted adult, both at home and in school.
  • Regular discussion about recommended websites and apps to support learning, as well as educating children why some apps and websites are inappropriate for children of certain ages.
  • Appropriate groups and behaviour in those groups e.g. Whatsapp 

CLICK HERE FOR ADVICE ON KEEPING YOUR CHILD SAFE ONLINE                                                        


Useful websites:


Internet Matters -

Childline -

Childnet -

Please click here for lots of useful information for parents, about apps you can install and how to monitor your child's online behaviours:

Let's Connect We would love to hear from you!
St John The Baptist Primary School
High Street, Penistone, Sheffield S36 6BS

Infant Site:

Chapelfield Lane, Penistone S36 6FS