Who and what are the Governors?

The role of the governing body is to work with the school to ensure that it delivers a good quality education. Together, with the head teacher, who is responsible for day to day management, they set the school’s aims and policies.

• To provide strategic direction for the school
• To act as a critical friend to the head teacher
• To ensure accountability
Other important duties include:
• Determining how the school's budget is spent
• The appointing and dismissing of staff
• Hearing appeals and grievances
• Forming policy on the school's curriculum and collective worship
• Setting standards for pupils' behaviour and discipline
• Making sure school buildings are welcoming and safe
• Setting and monitoring the school's aims and policies

Who can be a school governor?
From time to time vacancies arise on the governing body. You don't have to have children at the school to be a governor. However, you do have to be over 18, and pass a formal check for your suitability to be within a school. No specific qualifications are required but there are certain expectations. What's really important is that you have energy, enthusiasm, time and a real desire to help provide children with the best possible education.

Governors come from all sections of the community, and all walks of life. They can be parents, staff at the school, residents in the locality or representatives of local churches or businesses. It is important that you can work as part of a team, and can give commitment to the school.
Advice, support and training for the role is given by the council. Some governors are elected by parents, some are appointed by the governing body itself, the local authority or local churches. This ensures governing bodies reflect the communities they serve
Term of office and meetings
The term of office for a school governor is normally four years. Most schools have a full governing body meeting once a term (for approximately 2 hours). You may also join a committee which usually meets once a term. Most governors find they usually attend meetings or visit a school three or four times each term. You may be invited to special occasions such as assemblies, sports days, plays and presentations.

Agendas and minutes are available on request.

David Hopkin.jpg Anthony Holley 2.jpg
David Hopkin, Chair of Governors Anthony Holley, Vice Chair of Governors


T Anger.jpeg Stewart Casswell.jpg Sandra Eastwood.jpeg
Teresa Anger Stewart Casswell Sandra Eastwood
Lynn Fieldsend.jpg J Jones.jpeg Ellen Longley.jpg
Lynn Fieldsend Julia Jones Ellen Longley
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Gill Millner Steve Moyise Matthew Stott
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St John The Baptist Primary School
High Street, Penistone, Sheffield S36 6BS

Infant Site:

Chapelfield Lane, Penistone S36 6FS